
With a Grateful Heart!

Psalm 103:1 Bless the LORD, O my soul; and all that is within me, bless His holy name! I thank God for seeing us through to the end of 2019. Yes, we might have had several ups and downs in 2019, but the Lord carried us on Eagle’s wings, and He brought us to the 31 December 2019. And I'm sure that we all aspired and expectations to achieve our goals for 2019, which we might have achieved. It is also possible that some of your goals for 2019 have not been realised and you might be feeling discouraged and let down. Maybe you're still taking stock, and you don't know where things are with you now. Today, I believe the Lord will have me encourage every one of you, even if you have realised all your goals for 2019. Joyful mothers, I want to encourage you that there is more for the future. There is room for improvement, such as in our relationship with God, family, friends, our prayer lives and so on. Moreover, if you have not realised all your goals or any of your goals, I

Our children are #Fruitful

“Blessed shall be the fruit of your body, the produce of your ground and the increase of your herds, the increase of your cattle and the offspring of your flocks - Deuteronomy 28:4. God’s mandate for fruitfulness is not only for us but also for our children and the generations after them. As we can see in the scripture, God is mindful of us and everything that pertains to us - children, farm products, herds, cattle and even the offspring of the flock. Psalms 128:3 also states that "Your wife shall be like a fruitful vine In the very heart of your house, Your children like olive plants All around your table." Our children shall be like olive plants all around our table. Olive plants are not for decoration. They are planted and expected to bear fruit. And indeed Olive plants bear fruit. Our children shall be fruitful in every good work in Jesus name. It is essential to let our children understand God’s expectation for their lives. They need to know about God’s mandat

Purpose-Driven Parenting Part 3

In the past three weeks, I have been exploring ‘Purpose-driven parenting'. While this is such a broad topic, today’s edition will be concluding this series. Hopefully, we can revisit the subject in the future. Now, for young parents out there, the concept of purpose-driven parenting might seem daunting. While it is not a challenge-free route to travel, be reassured, it provides opportunities for cohesiveness, bonding, trust, mutual agreement, exploration, cooperation and more. For a child to fully realise his/her potential, being clear of your purpose as a parent is one of the first hurdles that one has to overcome. Lack of clarity attracts complacency, but the clarity of vision facilitates planning and implementation. Below are the things to put into consideration when planning to be a purpose-driven parent: 1. Resolve to nurture your family in a loving and caring environment. 2. Prayerfully select a great environment that aligns with your purpose as well as con

Purpose-Driven Parenting Part 2

Last week, I shared some nuggets for parenting with purpose. Today’s post is an extension of my previous writing on this topic. Have you ever wondered where or how to start your parenting task? Or you may be wondering whether you are doing the right things or not. As a mum of three, these are the questions I have asked myself over and over again. I realised that a successful journey into parenting with purpose starts with me as a parent. I realised that I cannot give what I don’t have. For those who are married, it extends beyond just one parent but both parents. A family with strong and morally sound ethics provides an opportunity for a child to thrive, achieve their goals and develop to become a respectable person in society. Our children are the future generations and we must do our best to nurture them. A family environment, whether good or less good, is crucial to the future of any child. Raising a well-nurtured, morally sound, God-fearing and successful child must be

Purpose-Driven Parent PT 1

Should I make a start to this topic by saying that parenting is an interesting role but not an easy one. You have to be determined to give it your best shot. On one hand, most professionals would have undergone a structured and extensive educational programs that qualifies them for their role. Some are also fortune to have mentors when appointed into post. This further facilitates their settlement in post. For example, a medical doctor would have undergone at least 6-7 years training before qualification. On the other hand, a mother takes up her title at the birth of her baby. Regardless of your qualifications, skills, and experience, you are entrusted with another life. Now, some are fortunate to have godly role models around them. Parenting is a broad church and while it can be fulfilling, enriching and rewarding, it also comes with many ups and downs. How do you as a parent handle the challenges without compromising your godly principles? Below, I shared 11 purpose-driven ins