With a Grateful Heart!
Psalm 103:1 Bless the LORD, O my soul; and all that is within me, bless His holy name! I thank God for seeing us through to the end of 2019. Yes, we might have had several ups and downs in 2019, but the Lord carried us on Eagle’s wings, and He brought us to the 31 December 2019. And I'm sure that we all aspired and expectations to achieve our goals for 2019, which we might have achieved. It is also possible that some of your goals for 2019 have not been realised and you might be feeling discouraged and let down. Maybe you're still taking stock, and you don't know where things are with you now. Today, I believe the Lord will have me encourage every one of you, even if you have realised all your goals for 2019. Joyful mothers, I want to encourage you that there is more for the future. There is room for improvement, such as in our relationship with God, family, friends, our prayer lives and so on. Moreover, if you have not realised all your goals or any of your goals, I