Purpose-Driven Parenting Part 2

Last week, I shared some nuggets for parenting with purpose. Today’s post is an extension of my previous writing on this topic.

Have you ever wondered where or how to start your parenting task? Or you may be wondering whether you are doing the right things or not. As a mum of three, these are the questions I have asked myself over and over again.

I realised that a successful journey into parenting with purpose starts with me as a parent. I realised that I cannot give what I don’t have. For those who are married, it extends beyond just one parent but both parents.

A family with strong and morally sound ethics provides an opportunity for a child to thrive, achieve their goals and develop to become a respectable person in society. Our children are the future generations and we must do our best to nurture them.

A family environment, whether good or less good, is crucial to the future of any child. Raising a well-nurtured, morally sound, God-fearing and successful child must be with purpose.

The nuggets below might be useful in strengthening your resolve when aiming to parent with purpose.

1. Be clear of your family's purpose. The purpose of your family will determine how you raise your children.
2. Plan and take steps to achieve the kind of family you are building.
3. Even if it is challenging, don’t leave things to happen by chance. Stick to your agreed plans. If your plans are not working revisit them and amend as required.
4. Commit your plans into God’s hands.
5. Model the behaviour and attitude that you want to see in your family and in the lives of your child.
6. Pray for your children on a daily basis.
7. Remember, money can neither buy happiness nor family. So it is essential to get one’s priorities right.
8. It is less challenging to start parenting with purpose when your child is younger.

I hope you have found these nuggets useful. Please feel free to add your nuggets below.

Watch out for part 3 next week.


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